Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Respect in the workplace

Here is a question a participant at the recent Color Blind event asks us to post.

"I witnessed jokes and sarcasm made directly to someone in relation to their accent and ethnicity at a company meeting constantly. I was embarassed and the experience made me feel uncomfortable. How should I deal with this situation?"


Anonymous said...

I would suggest going to the person who made the comment in private and asking them if they felt it was appropriate. Ask them how they would feel if someone made fun of how they looked at a meeting. Tell them they should think about what they say about other people.

Anonymous said...

Oh- and tell them it made you uncomfortable and you would appreciate it if they would not do that in the future.

Blurmaster General said...

I would not worry about it because it's not a big deal and you should be working instead of worrying about what some Chinaman says.